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Comarch IBARD

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Comarch IBARD
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Data and database backup

With a simple backup task wizard, the backup copy of your data will be sent to the cloud on the selected day and at the selected time.

Data storage in the cloud

The service allows you to securely store any type of files in the cloud and enables you to version each file..

DSecure file sharing and encryption

Manage access permissions among the service’s users. Data encryption during the transfer and an individually generated key guarantee that your data will not fall into the wrong hands.

Data synchronization on multiple devices

From now on, you will have all the necessary documents with you. Edit files on your mobile device and the changes will be visible in real time on all the devices you are using.

Find a solution for you and move your business to the cloud

Comarch IBARD is a professional service thanks to which you can safely store data in the cloud, perform backup tasks online, and synchronize your data in the safest cloud in Poland - Comarch Cloud. We offer solutions for both small and large businesses and service providers such as telecommunications companies.

Comarch ERP customers

Integrated with Comarch ERP Optima and Comarch ERP XL systems

Small and medium-sized enterprises

Dedicated to every company regardless of its size

Large enterprises

Individual offer for large enterprises

Manage your company data from one place

Used by over 40 000 companies

Customers have been recommending our solution since 2009. Comarch IBARD is trusted by small, medium-sized, and large companies across Europe that are looking for a secure system to back up, store, and share data.

  • Kinga Wiśniewska, Kierownik Projektu, ICT, Marketing i Rozwój Usług Cyfrowych

    Jako kierownik projektu odpowiedzialny za wdrożenie rozwiązania Backupu danych w Orange, opartego na Comarch IBARD, jestem bardzo zadowolona ze współpracy z zespołem po stronie Comarch. Usługa Backupu danych pozwoliła poszerzyć portfolio naszych produktów ICT kierowanych do małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw. Proces implementacji przebiegł sprawnie, a wsparcie techniczne Comarch było profesjonalne i zawsze dostępne, co przyczyniło się do szybkiego osiągnięcia zamierzonych celów.

  • Barbara Kocięba-Wilk, Fiance Manager OWL Ocean World Lines Poland

    In Comarch IBARD what we value mostly its work in the background without employee intervention and e-mail notifications, which give us continuous control over backups and ensures us that all backups are fully up-to-date. We would like to recommend services to all companies looking for a reliable backup solution.

  • Jarosław Banacki, President of the Management Board

    We decided to use Comarch IBARD to backup data from employees who are not constantly in the office and it is difficult to ensure efficient backup of their files. We have analyzed and compared the offer of several solutions of this type. After many tests and deliberations, we finally chose Comarch IBARD.

  • Tomasz Moch, Tax Advisor MOCH Tax Law Company


    For several years, we have been using Comarch IBARD for database and file security. Due to the fact that the data are stored in a secured data center Comarch Data Center in our opinion 100% secures our company against the risk of data loss. We recommend Comarch IBARD as an inexpensive tool that fully automates the IT security of your business.

  • Jerzy Szewczyk, Szwagropol CEO

    Comarch IBARD provides data security in our company - a simple and intuitive application that automatically performs backups of valuable business data. Comarch IBARD is the perfect complement to the Comarch OPTIMA management software, ensuring that our data is fully protected.

  • Dominik Doliński, Member of the board of OSHEE Poland

    Comarch IBARD provides us automatic daily backup of the most strategic company data. The biggest advantage in this solution is the intuitive interface, which quickly allows us to add new resources to the backup. A very convenient feature is notification in case of non-performance due to a server or other error.

  • Dawid Kubas, CIO KRAISEL

    The implementation of Comarch IBARD was fast and without any problems. Installing the software is a few moments, and creating backup schedules is intuitive, allowing you to quickly set up automatic backups of your databases and other business files. Comarch IBARD works without any interference, keeping in mind the backup process in the time periods we define.

Your data is secure and available on all devices

Back up your data (both files and databases) with a simple and intuitive backup wizard. Thanks to the multi-channel access provided by the desktop, web, and mobile applications, your data is available from any device on which you log in to your account. Our systems also help you with full data synchronization and encrypted data sharing.

Comarch S.A.
al. Jana Pawła II 39a
31-864 Cracow
Telephone: +48 12 684 88 80



Phone: +48 12 684 88 80*
*on working days 9:00 – 17:00

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